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Rubber Life and Care

How Long Rubber Lasts

You should change your rubber when it no longer produces the spin and speed that you want.

Most top players change their inverted rubber after thirty-five to forty hours of play. If you don’t need your inverted rubber to play like new all the time, you will probably find that you can use it for seventy-five hours before you feel the need to change it. If you are a recreational player, you may decide that changing your inverted rubber once a year is adequate. If you only play occasionally, you will still probably want to change your inverted rubber after a few years (rubber deteriorates with age even if you don’t use it).

Rubber with pips out (short, medium, or long) and antispin last much longer than inverted rubber. For these, the sponge may lose its elasticity before the top sheet degrades.


Clean your rubber after you play, using rubber cleaner and a cleaning sponge.


Keep your racket in a protective case. A plastic protective sheet can provide extra protection against dust and moisture.

Avoid exposing your rubber to heat or sunlight. Keep your racket in a cool, dark, dry place.

Avoid touching the surface of your rubber with your fingers. The oils your body produces can damage the surface of the rubber.